Elliot Coleman Lydon (aka The Frog Blog)

Welcome to the Frog Blog! Elliot was born at home December 11, 2005 at 11:09 am. He weighed 6 lbs 15 oz at 20.25 inches. We'll try to keep this updated for you...since our network is spread out, this seems like the best way to keep everyone in the loop.

Monday, December 19, 2005

In loving hands

A grandmother twice over and loving every minute of it!

Proud parents...

Gotta love those arms...

Elliot loves being swaddled...his arms go up to his ears so often that we assume this is how he sat for so long in utero.

Grandma and Grandpa Coleman Come to visit...and help!

Tuesday, Dec 13 - Sunday Dec 18. Upon hearing: "Wehadababyit'saboy!" the plans began to come for a visit. Thank you, Steve and Kathy for all of your help! Cooking, cleaning, holding, loving, talking, laughing...their skills are in high demand these days...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Meadows

L to R: Elliot, Meaghan, Jeanne, Jay, Tyler (6 months) Meadows.


Two interlocking thrones: Elliot upon Jeanne, Jeanne upon the sheepskin fleece.

Renee Berrian

A Project Harmony colleague and true baby lover!


L to R: Jaia Moon (six weeks), Missy, Elliot, Julia (Jaia's mama), Jeanne

Our little addict :)


In capable hands

Clockwise: Jeanne, Peggy Cohen, Emily Zoltan, Elliot.

Monday, December 12, 2005

His birthmark

is just above his heart. These are Peggy's skilled hands at work. Elliot's fingernails are so long!

Jeanne and Elliot



Sunday, December 11, 2005

Our midwife

Peggy Cohen of Full Spectrum Midwifery, Burlington, VT

Born at 38 weeks

We are blessed! Welcome, Elliot!

Elliot Coleman Lydon - Born Sunday, December 11, 2005 at 11:07 AM
6 lbs. 15 oz. - 22.25 inches
A healthy baby boy!

Jeanne began to experience contractions Saturday night around 10 pm. She called the midwives in earnest on Sunday morning around 7 am. They arrived quickly, after which her water broke around 9. Two hours later, a healthy, vigrous baby boy arrived into our lives. He immediately tried out his new lungs and fifteen minutes later he was nursing. Please call or come visit!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

37 Weeks!

Well, not sure if my belly looks much bigger in this picture than in the last one, but in real life I'm feeling HUGE these days! Still feeling good, though, and starting to look forward to meeting our little frog...

You know you're pregnant when...
your maternity clothes don't cover everything anymore!!!